Mhh ich höre ja oft das ich den Mund zu voll nehme, aber diesmal war es echt so;)

Ja was soll ich denn auch anders machen wenn da in meinem Schlafzimmer einfach so ein harter Schwanz herum steht???!!

Den kann ich doch nicht so lassen, das wäre doch reine Verschwendung. Also Mund auf und schön rein mit der Ladung.

Hättest du doch sicher auch so gemacht oder;)??

my ex boss was recently at me and wanted to give me my old job back. And since I'm really tight on cash right now I did not hesitate for long and said yes. But since I did not know that he only makes it to fuck me. He said: I am now his employees I have to give my debut. And just as he said he stood naked in front of me and put me his big balls in the soaking wet pussy while plus his cock. He fucked me through properly and also splashed me purely his juice. I must admit that it was not so bad to have his balls and his cock in the cunt. Well then, successful debut it? :-)